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Re: Debian WWW standards version 2.0


> server must export this directory as "http://<hostname>/debian/".
> Data in this directory may be rewritten while the system is operating.
> The WWW server may write its own housekeeping files under this directory.

Perhaps we should add http://<hostname>/debian/ (aka index.html) to be the
default startingoint for browsers in debian packages?

> Debian will maintain a directory /usr/lib/debian-www/cgi-bin. WWW servers
> must not directly export this directory. However, symbolic links may be
> created from /var/lib/debian-www/cgi-bin to /usr/lib/debian-www/cgi-bin
> to make CGI scripts available for the server to export. Packages may
> install these symbolic links automaticaly. If a symbolic link is installed to
> make a new CGI script available, the package that installs it must detect the
> presence of /usr/bin/update-debian-www, and execute it if it exists.

If a former version of the package has already created a file in
/usr/lib/debian-www/cgi-bin and there is no link from
/var/lib/debian-www/cgi-bin poiting to it, the postinst script shouuld not
create this link, since it was the admins decicion to remove the script from


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