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Re: GIMPS: CPU Cycle recycler (was: Re: WNPP: distributed-net up for adoption )

At 14:18 +0200 1999-06-04, Vincent Renardias wrote:
I'm using GIMPS (Great Internet Prime Search). In a nutshell, the goal is
to find large Mersenne prime numbers. The 3 last biggest known primes have
been found thanks to this method.
I'm not sure if it's really free software, but at least you have the
source code. Also, thanks to primenet, you can run in automatically on
many machines, and have a nice report of your activity.

It isn't free software because the files have only a copyright statement, no license is anywhere in the sources.

I am certain this is not the intent, but I never felt like pursuing it with the authors due to the following.

There are some other complications, such as the x86 asm written for masm.

It was my understanding that nasm ought to be compatible with this type of asm, but in this case it isn't, or perhaps my understanding is wrong.

The upstream way involves using the objcopy from a binutils configured with '--enable-targets=i386-go32' to convert the objects assembled on a windoze system to ELF, then they are linked with the Linux-specific C source as normal.
Joel Klecker (aka Espy)                    Debian GNU/Linux Developer
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