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Bug#613249: desktop-base: plymouth theme spacefun with bad sprites positions in twin mode

On mer., 2011-02-16 at 23:31 +0100, adris wrote:
> adris <adris1@t-online.de> wrote on Sun, 13 Feb 2011 19:11:36 +0100:
> > A better fix would be to implement the function Window.GetMaxWidth()
> and
> > Window.GetMaxHeight() in plymouth and use these for scaling.
> Implementing these methods is not required.  The maximal window width
> and height can be calculated with the following functions.
>         Window.GetX() * 2 + Window.GetWidth()
>         Window.GetY() * 2 + Window.GetHeight() 

Thanks, I've included that in our svn.


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