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Re: Font in Netscape

¡i ¦b hilarycheng@usa.net (Hilary Cheng) ªº¤j§@¤¤´£¨ì: ¡j
: Hi All,
:     Thanks you for Anthony advice for Display Chinese in Netscape.
: But I would like to ask one more. I found that the fonts size in
: Netscape &
: Mozilla is great large. I would like to have a change in size. Which
: file I should
: modified so that I can change font size ? thanks.
: Regards,
: Hilary
: --  
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sorry, should be the fonts size of menu bar ,etc.......not the font size of
¡° ¨Ó·½ ¡À e-Fever BBS ¢I bbs.e-fever.org ¡À [From: a01-253-182.netfront]

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