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Re: Built shadow things (and some glibc bits)

At 21:59 -0700 1998-09-29, Jim Pick wrote:
There is a sudo package available.  Maybe fakeroot will build now that
we have an ld.so built from the glibc package (if you grab the glibc
off my ftp site).

Building is half the battle, on powerpc and sparc (also glibc-pre2.1 architectures), fakeroot is known to be a bit messed up; it seems to work, but it leaves processes around (which will only die on a SIGKILL) which suck large amounts of CPU.

BTW, I am currently working on glibc 2.0.96, and I'm wondering if I should add arm to the "HAS_LIBC5" variable (this is currently used for some conditionals, the first (depending on whether $HAS_LIBC contains the current architecture as a component) is whether or not a pre-depends on ldso (for the libc5 ld.so (ld-linux.so.1) and libc5-supporting ldd) is necessary, the second (depending on whether $HAS_LIBC contains the current architecture as a component) builds and installs ldconfig and ldd from the glibc sources.
Joel Klecker (aka Espy)
<URL:mailto:jk@espy.org>        <URL:http://web.espy.org/>
  Debian GNU/Linux user/developer on i386 and powerpc.
<URL:mailto:espy@debian.org>  <URL:http://www.debian.org/>

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