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How do I upgrade bash???

   I'm running Debian on a Mac IIcx.  Part of my frustration is that it
only has 5 MB of physical RAM, and our SCSI driver is currently using
programmed I/O, so things are generally pretty slow, but that has nothing
to do with Debian.

   After finding dselect to be confusing (for a Mac user) :-) and sluggish
on a relatively fast machine (486), I opted to learn how to use dpkg, which
for the moment does what I need it to.  My chief problem is that I want to
install netstd, which requires libreadline2g, which conflicts with
libreadline2, which is required by bash (2.0.3).  I can't upgrade to the
current bash because it requires libreadline2g, which can't be installed
because it conflicts with libreadline2, which is required by bash (2.0.3).
Get the picture?

   Is there some facility for atomically performing mutually-dependent
upgrades?  Or is there some magic wand I can wave?  If not, what surgical
procedure will get me me out of this mess?

   My only idea at the moment is to use an alternate shell, forcibly remove
bash, then remove libreadline2, then install libreadline2g and the current
bash.  Will this work?  What do I need to be aware of?

   And finally, when will dselect stop being so dense?  (To be discussed later)


Joshua Juran                                   Metamage Software Creations
=)                          Unstoppable love        Tools for Wizards
wanderer@metamage.com      Undauntable spirit
<http://www.metamage.com/>   Outrageous fun!    * Home of TinyMUSH/Mac *

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