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Re: Re: debootstrap and cdebootstrap vs systemd


Do you still need some help on this ?

I'm also an embedded system dev, and I have a few arm platform at hand.

I did not yet move to recent Debian versions, but I will have to anyhow, so doing it now
is not a problem.

For the debootstrap, I used it a while ago with the --foreign, --include and --exclude
flags, so I can check if it's still working.

For the few answers suggesting qemu, they are not that wrong, as the file system should be
mostly kernel and target independent. So booting it to a qemu with a newer kernel and
either armhf or armel support should work.

Another solution is using a target with the same arm arch support but a newer kernel,
perform the end of the debootstrap in a chroot there, and then move the filesystem to the
right target.
It's what I'm doing when I build for targets with limited resources.

Also, I sometimes need to exclude udev for the first part of the installation, and add it
later on, once the debootstrap is over.

Anyway, these are workarounds, and debootstrap should work.

Sorry for the stupid and not much constructive replies from others ... some get touchy
when so much as mention their new toy ...

Nathaël PAJANI - ED3L - Techno-Innov
Internet : http://www.ed3l.fr - http://www.techno-innov.fr

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