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Bug#557214: Update: wspr -- weak signal propagation reporter

Hello All,

It's been a while since things were updated on this package, so I thought a status update is in order.

* With allot of assistance form DD Kamal and John AC6SL, packaging is well under-way. * debian folder is mostly complete, copyright review and debian-watch is about all that's left < I think :-) > * Allot of upstream tidy-up work has been completed, making the build much simpler. The build can now be run without having to manually run autogeh.sh and creating patches before hand. * Still need to address an override_dh_compress issue (very minor), where examples are compressed and shouldn't be. * Menu items, for DE's that have them, has been added, but needs thorough testing. * All that is left from the upstream side is a formal release and tar.gz for the watch file. * Kamal may have more things for me to address, but last check went fairly smooth overall.

Greg, KI7MT

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