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Re: building a desktop that will be supported by Lenny

On 2011-01-19, Steve Kleene <skdeb@syrano.acb.uc.edu> wrote:
> I'll explain why I want to stick with Lenny (2.6.26), at the risk of starting
> another best-virtual-machine thread.  Unfortunately, I need Windows
> sometimes.  I am very happy running XP on VMware Server 1.0.6 under Lenny.
> VMware is a pain to install but nice thereafter.  I don't like the Server 2
> interface and don't really have enough time to research or test the many
> alternatives.  I do know that opinions on all of the options are really
> mixed.  For me, though, the laziest path is to live in the past a little
> longer.  (As a Win4Lin alumnus, I know this strategy can't last forever.)

Fair enough. Given that the squeeze release is expected next month, and
lenny will be supported for 1 year beyond that, you have plenty of time
in which to plan a virtualisation upgrade path.

Liam O'Toole
Cork, Ireland

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