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Re: Learning python?

* Tina Isaksen <tina@bestemselv.com> [2006:03:03 11:04 +0100]: 
> My project is a graphical front-end to APT (shamelessly named 'Tinapt') 
> using Qt (PyQT / PyKDE). I'm still very much trying to stick with the 
> KISS principle and shun the more fancy solutions for now. I do however 
> plan to keep improving it as I get a better programmer and the ultimate 
> goal is for it to end up somewhere between Synaptic and Aptitude. But 
> for now it will remain a learning project. So to my point: It's fun 
> learning alone but it would maybe be even more fun to learn together 
> with others, so I was wondering if there are any other Python newbies 
> out there wanting to join me in this project? I've been looking at 
> putting it up on BerliOS (www.berlios.de) and run it as a 'real' project 
> in order to learn how that is done too. Still have a few things to 
> figure out in that regard though...

Wow -- I'm very impressed. 

As an aside (and don't get me wrong, I think BerliOS is very good),
maybe you could put it on Alioth (alioth.debian.org)? I definitely think
this is something that, when finished, should end up in Debian proper.
The KDE team in particular might be interested...

> Interested? Let me know :) Just remember that the emphasis is on 
> learning, so if this sounds like a silly little waste-of-time project 
> you are probably right ;)

Doesn't sound silly, little, or like a waste of time to me. GUI
programming with Qt and dealing with apt etc -- I don't get the
impression that these things are easy, so like I said before, I am very
impressed. Do keep us updated with your progress! (And sorry, I'm not a
Qt or python girl, so it's not the project for me, but I think it's
awesome anyway. :))

off the chain like a rebellious guanine nucleotide

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