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Re: New section for firmware.

Le mardi 23 décembre 2008 à 13:07 +0100, Kurt Roeckx a écrit :
> The idea is to create a new section that contains files like
> firmware images and FPGA data that gets written to the hardware
> to make it fully functional.  It is not meant for drivers that run
> on the host CPU.

There is no reason to restrict this area to firmware images.

How about “Software that is not executed on the host CPU” ? That can
include e.g. non-free documentation, which clearly doesn’t belong in the
same place than nVidia binary drivers.

> The new section should also be available on our CD/DVD images,
> so that users can just take a CD/DVD and that it works without
> having to search for the needed firmware and provide it on an
> other medium to the installer.

I think we should clearly separate it on a different medium, except for
netinst images, for which there could be two versions. 

BTW, do we really need yet another vote for that? If there is consensus
on the usefulness, isn’t it enough to have the approval of the FTP
masters and the d-i developers?

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