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Re: Gnome [Nautilus] debuggers: please reopen bug 358731

Stephen Powell <zlinuxman@wowway.com>:
>  On 2010-01-11 at 21:27:02 -0500, s. keeling wrote:
> > I've been running Linux for a long time.  I'm pretty sure Linus would
> > answer, "Show us your code!"  If you've enough energy to complain,
> > you've enough to help with the fix.
>  As for Mr. McCormick, I don't know.  But please remember that not
>  everyone who uses Linux is a C programmer.  This is not 1991 and Linux

Yes, we can't all be DDs, but we can all run reportbug.  We can relate
our experiences, at whatever level of sophistication we may have.  I
was a noob once.

However, nautilus failing pointy-clicky stuff?  Ptheh.  Who frigging
cares?  What does nautilus do that {mk|rm}dir, cp, rm, mv, chmod, and
chown can't do?

Bottom line, for Mr. McCormick, you get what you pay for.  If it
breaks, you get to keep all the pieces.  No DD is your slave, sorry.
However, they'd appreciate your help, I'm sure.

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
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