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Re: KVM w/ network support under normal user.

On Tue, Jan 05, 2010 at 08:58:49AM +0000, Chris Davies wrote:
> http://www.linux-kvm.org/page/Networking

Jon Dowland <jon+debian-user@alcopop.org> wrote:
> This page is very good, but the instructions under "public
> bridge" are not applicable to Debian.

It's also irrelevant to the OP's request for networking as a "normal
user". For the sake of clarity here, the OP just needs to add "-net nic
-net user" to the kvm command line. This will provide networking access
to the guest as if it were NATted behind the host. There are additional
options to punch specific ports through to the guest.

If, however, the OP can get root access to configure a bridge as per
your recommendation, then yours is definitely the better option, as it
allows transparent networking to take place, as if the guest were on
the real physical network.


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