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Re: [Woody 3.02] can't find the source code of previoius version of Tomcat

Quoting Sam Watkins <swatkins@fastmail.fm>:

> I think Debian should keep archives of all source code and changes in a
> version control system such as CVS, however I don't think we do.

Why?  Upstream developers maintain revision control and mirrors of their
software.  Why should the Debian project waste valuable resources to
duplicate someone elses effort?  You might have a case for the Debian-
specific parts (e.g., Debian patches to upstream), but I don't think it is
reasonable to want to archive *every* version of *every* package that has
at one time or another come through Debian.  I know that some maintainers
do, like the X team which keeps the Debian version of XFree86 in a subversion
repository, but those are usually special cases.


Roberto Sanchez

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