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How to use my fonts with Xprint and OpenOffice.org?

I ended up purchasing professional postscript fonts the other day,
and while I can use them on-screen, I am yet failing to ban them to
paper or even into a .ps file.

The fonts consist of .pfb and .afm files, which I have installed to
~/.fonts. I have run type1inst in this directory, added the
directory to $GS_FONTPATH, and have run fc-cache. I have also tried
mkfontdir and adding the directory to the fontpath with xset, then
rehashing it. Gosh, fonts in Linux is a major PITA. Now, the fonts:

  - xfontsel can see them, so I gather the X server can (and hence,
    Xprint) (this is the xset business, I think)
  - fc-list shows them, so any fontconfig programme should be able
    to use them (this is fc-cache)
  - The gs prfont.ps file works fine, so doing

      $ gs /usr/share/gs-gpl/8.15/lib/prfont.ps
      GS> /RotisSemiSerif DoFont

    actually produces pages full of font information and it seems to
    work. This is the type1inst/$GS_FONTPATH stuff.

The fonts now work fine on-screen when displayed in Firefox, Opera,
Gimp, and others. Printing from Opera works, as it uses GhostScript.

Printing from Firefox generates a .ps file without
a single mention of the font. Instead, it includes sections like

      %%BeginFont: BitstreamVeraSans-Roman_iso8859-1

which suggest to me that it (or Xprint) simply went ahead to replace
the font of the webpage I am trying to print. Why? The font is known
to the X server, or xfontsel wouldn't show it...

OpenOffice.org does not display the fonts at all, and printing
obviously doesn't work either. The help says something about
spadmin, but that appears to be inconsistent as spadmin has no
option concerning fonts. However, Debian's OOo supposedly uses
fontconfig, except that doesn't work either.

The reason I bought these fonts were so I could use them from
OpenOffice.org, and also print webpages typeset in them from the
browser. None of this is possible at the moment.

Please advise.

 .''`.     martin f. krafft <madduck@debian.org>
: :'  :    proud Debian developer and author: http://debiansystem.info
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing a system
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