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Re: M$ Frontpage Replacement ?

--On Wednesday, December 15, 2004 11:20 +0500 Nayyar Ahmed <nayyares@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello All,

Is there any as good as M$ Frontpage and flexible
website development tool, which could give all
those luxarires present in Frontpage.

I'd say there are dozens. PHP on your server (using LAMP or WAMP) with dreamweaver as your HTML/PHP editor comes to mind. There's also dozens of PHP or Perl based Content Management Suite's (CMS) or Content Management Frameworks (CMF) like Typo3 (PHP based CMS), MoveableType, Plone (CMS/CMF that runs on ZOPE), Mason (CMF written in Perl)...I could go on and on and on. Point is there are MANY other tools out there, and many of those are far better than FrontPage. Making web pages in FrontPage is like using training wheels on a motorbike.

I have heard about quanta but I want to update
my knowldge that there are more options.

Never heard of quanta myself.

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