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Re: MUA with html support

On Sat, Jul 21, 2001 at 02:36:13PM -0400, D-Man wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 03:16:55PM -0700, Duncan Watson wrote:
> | So I am looking for either a super duper lynx-like tool that can render
> | html attachments pretty and colorful or a new MUA that has similiar
> | features.
> The links in woody can handle color (at least to some extent), you
> might want to try that.  For sending HTML mail you could try something
> like gnp (It is an editor intended for HTML) and set the Content-Type:
> header yourself.  

Excellent.  I will look into links today.  I probably will have to adjust
my colors again since it most likely will work best with a white

For editors I use vim.  I am completely addicted to it and though I keep
trying to switch to various emacsen for certain tasks I still am tied to
vim.  I can write html directly in vim without too much trouble.  I would
like to figure out a way to render it before sending.  Maybe I can do that
from the compose menu.

> | I was tempted to look at balsa but the package is currently broken
> | and downloading half of gnome always annoys me.
> Balsa has a fairly nice GUI and can render HTML mail (and images,
> IIRC) but it doesn't handle mailing lists (like mutt does) and I don't
> think it can send HTML mail.

Unfortunately I have see some of that.  I am too dependent on the 'little'
features of mutt.  I use the 'little brother database' as well, which is a
godsend for corporate use.  It is certainly easier to locate a random
email address that some guy named 'guy' used in the last 3 months with lbdb
than with Notes.  I love my tools under linux.

> HTH,
> -D

Thanks again,

Duncan Watson                                         deamonrift@yahoo.com

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