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Re: Dselect file list generation

   Is it also possible to feed that generated list back into apt-get on
   my work linux box so that the packages can be automatically
   downloaded to disk for burning on CD-ROM (but *not* installed 
   on the work Linux box?

What Tal says

apt-get -d install [files]
will download, but not install.

is perfect. But you need to put 70 files in the [ ... ]. 
I would use

apt-get -s dselect-upgrade > list

to put the write the output of the command in the file list.
Then you have to edit the file list in such a way that it looks like this


apt-get -d		install			1st new package to install

.... this for all such packages

apt-get -d		upgrade			1st old package to be upgraded

.... the same for all such packages.

You can do this editing job quite quickly if you use emacs.

Then you save all this text in a file called tentative-script in a directory where you  have  space enough for all the packages.
Go in this directory and do

source tentative-scripte.

This should download the files .deb in the directory.

There is probably some much better way of doing it, but I am just a newbie.

Good luck


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