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Re: displaying binary files

On Sat, Aug 05, 2000 at 08:56:41PM +0000, john smith wrote:
> Thanks Sven. But I was hoping for a script that would ask some sort of
> a question like "this file is in binary form..would you like to see it
> anyway?  y/n" something in that regard...and it should be global too.

You might be interested in the "see" command from 'run-mailcap'.
Basically the /etc/mailcap file has a bunch of mime-types and an
associated command to run.  There's usually a test for X via the
$DISPLAY variable.  I think it's in the "metamail" package.

MegaHAL quote:
	I think a blowpipe is a marijuana cigarrette.  
	It'll get you deleted!

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