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Re: Why

On 3/12/99 Bart Szyszka wrote:

Now what makes Windows so incapable of having these same problems?
I've never heard of anyone having trouble running the Win95 installer
on a system that just had DOS because of video hardware.

<shrug> perhaps because win95 has a bazillion drivers? the generic X servers cover a pretty decent number of video cards, slowly, and at 640x480 with a 40hz refresh :-), dunno about you but I would prefer a console ncurses based installer to a huge headache. (well I prefer console based installs to pointy clicky installs anyway but maybe that's just me)

most of the time the X based installs fail for me, I avoided the linuxppc one after a friend had it bork the install several times (unrelated to X itself but rather creating an inode for every 32K instead of 4 or 8, and pretending 80% of the packages did not exist so the resulting system was nonfuntional) and redhat's 6.1 X installer never loaded on my box when I took a look at it.

Long live Debian GNU/Linux console based install !



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