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Re: Patience, this will get longer

On Mon, Apr 06, 1998 at 07:58:36PM +0200, Helmut Metzdorf wrote:
> Since January I am trying to learn a bit about Linux,
> and beeing lucky to find answers to most questions either
> in the online documentation or else searching the www.
> There are still two thing that bother me, 1st: though I´ve
> read all install files, manpages and docs of fvwm2 several times
> I just cant see where xdm starts the initial xterm, where i dont like
> its geometry (its just partly hidden by my button bar). 

It sources /etc/X11/Xsession, which is a script that itself contains the
following code (my comments in ***asterisks***:


startup=$HOME/.xsession         # *** this is YOUR startup file ***

if [ -x $startup ] && grep -q ^allow-user-xsession /etc/X11/config
      # *** have you startup file AND "allow-user-xsession" is in /etc/X11/config ***
      # *** choosen by the sysadmin (he may deny to allow it at all)? ***
then  # *** then please use that file instead default actions. ***
  exec $startup
else  # *** if not so, the use default, which is: ***
  xterm -ls &         # *** start an xterm ***
                      # *** and then start the first window manager named in ***
                      # *** the file /etc/X11/window-managers ***
  if [ -e /etc/X11/window-managers ]
    for i in `sed 's/#.*//' /etc/X11/window-managers`    do
      if [ -x $i ]
        exec $i
  if [ -x /usr/X11R6/bin/fvwm ]        # *** if no one did work, try fvwm ***
    exec fvwm
  exec twm                             # *** even fvwm is not there? Then ***
fi                                     # *** try (last resort) twm, YICK! ***

I hope this helped a bit to understand how things fit together. You *could*
change the above "xterm -ls &" line to "xterm -ls -geometry <whatever> &",
but the *preferred* way is to have "allow-user-xsession" in /etc/X11/config
and then a file ~/.xsession with the programs you like at startup time.

> 2nd: where to look for instuction about the file background.list
> you have to place in your homedir to get a random selected
not! in your home dir, but in ~/.fvwm2/background.list, which is a
subdirectory of your homedir.

cd ~
mkdir .fvwm2
cd .fvwm2
ae background.list  # or "ls /usr/local/data/mypictures/* > background.list" for example

> rootbackground, about the associated command randline I´ve found
> nothing too. (I´m just bored to reset the link "background.jpeg"
> manually whe I want to see a new picture in the rootwindow.)

                These files define the screen background (root window).
                They are searched for in order, and only the first
                one is used.

[This means, that you mustn't use a background.jpg file if you want to have a list
with random pics. Instead only have a background.list with filenames of
pictures to be choosen from, one per line).

                (Also, for this case only, the user
                hook is searched for before the system administrator,
                because otherwise a user could not override the background).

                background.xpm, background.jpg and background.gif
                should be the graphic files themselves (or a symbolic
                link to them).

                The background.color file should contain one line that
                gives the name of a color.  The background will then
                be set to that color.

                The background.list file should be a list of
                filenames, one per line. Each line specifies the path
                to a jpg or gif format picture file. Paths can be
                absolute (starting with '/'), or relative to the
                user's home directory. The background will be set to
                one of the pictures at random.

> So far my severe requests for help.

Ask and you shall recieve!
> But I´m sorry, there are still three minor questions. Till now
> I´m running windows still because of two reasons. 1st: I´ve not jet set
> up a mailsystem and i dont think it a good idea just using Netscape
> as I´m doing it here (any recommendations).

Are you connected to an ISP via PPP?  Set up PPP, install smail (choosing
option 1. Internet site and then smarthost, and all mail to smarthost).
Fetch your mail via POP3 with fetchmail. Sort your mail with procmail. Read
your mail with mutt (highly recommended by me).

> 2nd: I´ve just stored
> a backup of all the changes (customization) as well as from all the LDP
> and other documents in my windows partition and will have to keep
> it therefore untill I´ve decided what backup-hardware to use instead.
> I really dont like to reinstall 30 Megs from floppies (recommendations
> wellcome).

Better to back up it on a seperate (Linux) partition. I wouldn't trust
Window one inch. Backup Device: DDT-2 or 3, if you want to be cool. If this
is overkill, use a ZIP drive (useful for more than just backups).
Or burn your gold CD's with a CD writer ;)

> That now leaves the last point.
> I´ve written a few tiny programms that manage to summarize access to
> all text documents in the directory /usr/doc in a single menu-structure.
> Till now its just the programms and a short shell script to run them
> in propper sequence. No documentation so far. But if other guys were
> interested in that I would appreceate any help how to forward it.

It is good that you are experimenting and trying to help. It is better not
to double effort. We have dwww (needs a webserver installed, eg apache) and
dhelp (in hamm). doc-base is meant to be a converter for various formats and
a central registration of documents. You have not been the first one with
such an idea ;) Volunteers to improve the existing systems are welcome!


PS: Please fix your reply-to: header. Or do you want me to tell that
Donnerbergstr.34@tap.de is a valid adress, and that you want all mail four

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