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set up network correctly ?


System: Debian 1.3/kernel2.0.30/3c562-3d Lan+Modem adapter

I have just set up my PCMCIA card without any erros. That is i don't 
get any errors at boot time. Card Services 2.9.6 & co recognize the 

During installation of Debian 1.2/kernel 2.0.27 i have setup the network
 (ip-addresses, gateways, masks, etc...). But now  /etc/hosts 
seems to be empty; /etc/networks contains the right address.;ifconfig 
eth0 does give all zeros, yet ping <hostname> is OK, but ping 
<ip-address> not (unreachable); netstat -r gives no gateway (except 

Should i use the rescue floppy to go through the menus again and risk 
some part of my config (especially my pcmcia card configuration; i 
have spent a lot of time searching ...) to be wiped out ?!  


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