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Re: YANQ (Yet another newbie question...)

>1) Where do I put programs (daemons) that I want to automatically
>startup, ie., what is the "Autoexec.bat" file of the unix world? I
>looked in .bashrc and .bash_profile, which seem to set a lot of
>enivronment variables, but I don't se if you can put programs in this.

For stuff that you want to startup automatically at system startup, just add
a file to the /etc/rc.boot directory.  Name it whatever you want, but make
sure the first line in the file is "#!/bin/sh" (without the quotes) and run
"chmod 755 <filename>" after you've created it.  (Oh, and use "ae" as your

>2) I'm using Fvwm2 and FvwmButtons...and I must be doing somehting

Sorry, can't answer this one... I've never used X.   ***Long live the Shell
Prompt!!!!*** <grin>

Kevin Traas

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