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Re: X problems

On Sun, 8 Jun 1997, Will Lowe wrote:

> Anyway,  the only modeline in my XF86Config is 640x480,  but the server 
> insists on running in it's "builtin 320x200" mode.  Needless to say,  
> this is unusable ... why would it do this?  I've tried hitting CTRL-ALT-+ 
> to "cycle" up one mode,  but nothing happens.  Is there maybe a problemm 
> with my clockchip setting?  This is supposed to be autodetected,  but I 
> don't have any idea what else to try.

I have a TGUI9680XGI with programmable clocks that can go beyond the
servers idea of it's limits.  I had to put option "fast_dram" in the
xf86config file before it would go up to 1024 at 16 bpp.  Even though it
can go higher that's the extent of the servers grace.  It shows me that
the current setup of my clocks etc are maxed out but that isn't true
according to the spec's and Win95 settings which match the specs.

The "fast_dram" option made the server think my clocks where faster at
higher res. than it first thought and it released the higher res.
Although it just caused it to use the correct clocks.  Go figure.



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