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Re: Non-interactive modem hangup

at&c1&d2 fixes these problems which isn't the factory default.  The &d2
tells it to hangup, with autoanswer inhibited, when DTR is droped.

On Sun, 8 Jun 1997 branden@apocalypse.sequitur.org wrote:

> On 7 Jun 1997, John Goerzen wrote:
> > Just killing pppd will do it unless your modem isn't set up properly.
> Then my modem isn't set up properly.  I got a private email mentioning
> something about how the modem should automatically hangup once DTR is
> dropped, which happens if "modem" is given as an option to pppd.  It is in
> my case, so the problem lies with my modem.
> I've got a Hayes Accura 144B + FAX, so once I dig up the manual I'll come
> back to the list with my solution.
> -- 
> G. Branden Robinson
> Purdue University
> branden@purdue.edu
> http://cartoon.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/
> --
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