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Re: new dh_python proposal

I know I'm coming in the middle of this, and I'm sure I don't understand all
the issues yet, but I'll chime in here anyway. :)

On Jan 19, 2010, at 10:39 AM, Josselin Mouette wrote:

>I’m also still wondering which exact problem this proposal is trying to
>fix. Currently the only thing it does seem to address is a very specific
>kind of issue that Loïc explained to me, which happens in Python-based
>package managers: when you upgrade the Python packages the package
>manager depends on, including a change in the default Python version (if
>the default Python version doesn’t change, all modules remain available
>during the upgrade, with both -central and -support), and the upgrade
>process is interrupted, the package manager might not be able to
>restart. There are other ways to fix this bug; the most obvious way
>being to apply something similar to your proposal, but only to a very
>small set of Python packages, namely those on which the package managers
>depend. For the rest of the archive, I just don’t see the point. 

How many applications are affected by this kind of upgrade breakage?  Have you
considered cx_Freeze'ing them so they aren't subject to Python package

cx_Freeze[1] is a tool that essentially creates a small binary executable, and
zips all the dependent modules onto the end of the file.  So the executable is
actually a zip file, which Python can import from.

The idea is that something like update-manager could be frozen so that it can
run even if the modules it depends on have been uninstalled or otherwise

From what I understand, this doesn't solve all the problems in
pycentral/pysupport, but it could solve an important subset of the problems
being experienced during upgrades.


[1] http://cx-freeze.sourceforge.net/

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