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Re: debian-powerpc: kernel-source-2.4.1 on powerbook

At 19:40 -0500 2/28/01, Chad Miller wrote:
Versions 2.4.1 and .2 are broken for the PPC arch for pmac, it seems.
With for .3 -- I am.

If you want a working PowerPC kernel you should grab the ppc tree with either rsync or bitkeeper. For access to the bitkeeper repository, refer to http://www.fsmlabs.com/linuxppcbk.html. You can also rsync from ppc.samba.org::linux-pmac-devel, which I think has some more experimental drivers. I'm running 2.4.2 from bitkeeper on a 2000 PowerBook (Firewire) with no real problems. Be aware that these are both developing source trees, so they get changes on a regular basis.
Michael Heironimus

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