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freshness of archive and iso mirrors for Etch


For those who don't read d-d-announce, Etch is likely to be released soon:

After some updates [1], the list of mirrors for the archive is now
quite clean [2], we have one week to deal with the case of iso mirrors
(unlike choose-mirror for the installer, we can update the list of iso
mirrors until almost the release date - 4h for the build of the website)

http://bugs.debian.org/322136 lists the outdated iso mirrors as of 25
March 2007.

To the admins that host an outdated iso mirror:
- follow http://www.debian.org/CD/mirroring/ to update your mirror
  again (you can provide mirror with only some architectures).

- if you cannot host an iso mirror anymore, please remove the debian-cd
  directory of your mirror and notice the mirror team.

To the ones that are concerned by outdated mirrors:
- if you notice other problems on mirrors, please bugreport it
- you can mail the admins of outdated mirrors (leave a message on
  #322136 in order to avoid duplicates)

Could we send in short term a mail to debian-mirrors-announce, as an
ultimate call to update mirrors ?

BTW I assume we cannot get an ultimated rebuild of choose-mirror in
order to get an up to date list of mirrors in the installer ?

Best regards,

[1] http://teubr.eu.org/~spaillar/debian/qamirrors/added_and_removed_mirrors
[2] http://www.de.debian.org/dmc/today/

Simon Paillard

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