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RFR: blogofile -- Static website compiler and blog engine


this is a RFR (Request For Review) for my blogofile package. 

This is a RFR and not a RFS because I know that there are still several
issues and open questions which will provoke every possible sponsor to
reject the package from an upload. 

Nevertheless I would embracing any review, comment, help or hints to
these points.

 * Package name    : blogofile
   Version         : 0.7.1-1
   Upstream Author : Ryan McGuire <ryan@enigmacurry.com>
 * URL             : http://www.blogofile.com/
 * License         : Expat (MIT)
   Section         : web

Blogofile is a static website compiler, primarily (though not
exclusively) designed to be a simple blogging engine and written in
python. It requires no database and no special hosting environment. You
customize a set of templates with Mako, create posts in a markup
language of your choice (Markdown, Textile, reStructuredText or plain
old HTML) and Blogofile renders your entire website as static HTML and
Atom/RSS feeds which you can then upload to any old web server you

To access further information about this package, please visit the
following URL:


The packaging work can be followed there:


And a preview version of the package can already downloaded with dget:

  dget -x

My questions respectively the known issues:

- Since a few days the watch file included isn't working. Probably this
  is because of a change of the GitHub frontend on October 12th (see
  https://github.com/blog/958-the-code-tab). I informed Gunnar Wolf
  about this because he is the maintainer of githubredir.d.n.

- There is no upstream changelog file. Lintian complains about it. 
   - Is it right, that a missing upstream changelog file is not a
     strict must have and it will not preventing the package to be
     included into Debian?

- Lintian complains about an extra-license-file. I included this file
  because the upstream LICENSE.txt contains beside the actual Expat
  (MIT) license some thoughts from the Author about his view on the
  license an Free Software in general.
   - Should it be included or removed from the package?

- The package builds fine with debuild respectively dpkg-buildpacke but
  not with pbuilder or cowbuilder. That's sound for me that there are
  missing build dependencies but unfortunately I couldn't identify
  which one until now.

- The .orig.tar.gz contains the extra small python script
  converters/wordpress2blogofile.py which neither is in the
  resulting Debian package nor present if you install blogofile with
  the python easy_install method. So I thing this is simple missing
  in the upstream setup.py. From my point of view it's not so worse for
  the first packaging of blogofile. But after the release of blogofile
  0.8 it may make more sense to include the converter into the package.
  Also because version 0.8 will include a secondary converter called
   - Do you think I should try to get the first one included into the
     package by know?
   - Should it be separated packaged as an extra package

- My resulting package contains a blogofile.egg-info directory. I'm not
  sure if it's needed for the runtime of blogofile or only during the
  build of the package. I ask on #debian-mentors and got that there is
  no clear answer to this. Sometimes a package need the .egg-info
  directory at runtime and sometimes not.
   - Do you know if it's needed or not?
   - Can somebody explain my how to identify this point?

- Suggest or recommend a VCS, or explicitly git?
  Blogofile itself will greatly work without any Version Control
  System, but there are these two points:
   - Along the normal advantages of using a version control system you
     can easily add a post-commit hock on your (remote) repo to
     automatically let blogofile compile your new content and make it
     directly available through your webserver.
      - Is this enough to at least suggest any vcs?
   - You can call blogofile to create a new blog from an existing
     example site. Two of these examples are shipped with the package
     as .zip files. And a third one will be downloaded via git as a
     recent version of the original blog of the Author. This means to
     use this feature you need explicitly git.
      - Would this be enough to recommend on git?

- What do you think about shipping the example site as .zip file in the
  Debian package?
- Should they go into a separate -data package?

Thank you for keep reading up to here. Again any review, comment, help
or hints are really welcome.

Kind Regards,

Andreas Rütten
mailto : AndreasRuetten@gmx.de
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