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Re: MIME support in Debian.

Am Samstag, den 22.12.2007, 23:34 +0900 schrieb Charles Plessy:

> The Debian mime policy requires packages register through update-mime,
> which according to its manpage uses /etc/mailcap and
> /usr/lib/mime/packages. However, I noticed the /usr/share/mime and
> /usr/share/mime-info directories that also seem to contain relevant
> informations.

You missed /usr/share/mimelnk :)

/usr/share/mime : freedesktop.org shared MIME info database
/usr/share/mime-info : GNOME MIME data (IMHO mostly obsolete)
/usr/share/mimelnk : KDE 3

Current GNOME and the upcoming KDE 4 both uses the shared-mime-info
database in /usr/share/mime.

Old KDE3 and GNOME systems are not well described, but the link
collection in my next paragraph contains a few information links for
these systems too.

> Is there a documentation somewhere that explains what is necesary and
> sufficient to be done so that a Debian package provides MIME support
> that "just works" ?

Hm, I'm not aware of some Debian specific documentation. However, I
collect such information for a project. Look at


> Basically the goal is that the relevant program will
> be used by mail readers and web browsers.

IMHO you should only try to support the mailcap/metamail and the fd.o
shared-mime-info systems.

> Also, if there are two such
> programs installed, is there something that can be done through MIME so
> that the user has a chance to chose the program ?

Not directly through MIME (the MIME RFCs just describe the so called
Internet Content type, e.g. "text/plain" - association with programs is
AFAIK not part of the MIME standard). This has been described in the
fd.o standard:

> Or will it be a "last
> installed is the default" situation, like with the alternative system ?

You could check yourself: Take a ook
at /usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache and check, if maybe the first
mentioned application for a MIME type s used. I'm not sure.

The old GNOME system IIRC had some special way (special keys) to handle
this via .keys files. But the docs are not verbose about this.

Regards, Daniel

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