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Re: RFS: plans -- web calendar

On Mon, Sep 12, 2005 at 10:36:39AM +1000, Ben Finney wrote:
> On 12-Sep-2005, Carlos Parra Camargo wrote:
> > > > plans lets you put calendars on the web, is free and has great features:
> > > Can you comment on the differences/advantages/disadvantages of
> > > plans vs. webcalendar?  This would be a useful thing to include in
> > > the description, too.
> > 
> > IMO, the description should be about the application, it shouldn't
> > be a comparative.
Actually, devref 6.2.3 [0] says:

| The following paragraphs should answer the following questions: Why do
| I as a user need this package? What other features does the package
| have? What outstanding features and deficiencies are there compared to
| other packages (e.g., "if you need X, use Y instead")? Is this package
| related to other packages in some way that is not handled by the
| package manager (e.g., "this is the client for the foo server")? 
| [...]
| How is this package different from the competition? Is it a better
| implementation? more features? different features? Why should I choose
| this package. 

> > Anyway, 'plans' is enough good to be uploaded into debian.
> Please write a description that convinces a curious and/or skeptical
> user, already familiar with other web calendar applications (though
> not necessarily any specific one).
Agree here.



[0] http://www.us.debian.org/doc/developers-reference/ch-best-pkging-practices.en.html

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