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Re: Autoconf problem (Was: Packaging of aeskulap for Debian and dcmtk issue)

On Thu, 8 Nov 2007, Juergen Salk wrote:

after stripping of dcmtk from Makefile.am and configure.in.

... which was a little bit rude - I admit. ;-)

But at some point you have to tell the build scripts to actually
use the dcmtk libraries and how. Otherwise you'll get loads of
unresolved symbols.

Sure.  I think I'll dive into this at the weekend (except if
someone else is faster than me ;-) ).

but eventually these can also be borrowed from
the amide package?

Sounds reasonable.  BTW, could perhaps somebody mention the
main differences between amide and aeskulap for my poor uneducated

Kind regards



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