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First time KDE "Wizard" themes and background

When a user logs in to KDE for the first time, he gets that nifty 
"wizard", last question is which "theme", not sure what the question 
was, but it impacts the widgets etc.

Selecting KDE there usually causes the background to go white, 
completely. If one then presses back, select something else, press next, 
press back, select KDE again, then select next, you get the nice blue 
curvy (default?) background again.

Anyone else experience this as well? (I've experienced it on all 
woody/sid boxes I've worked with, um, probably about 5.) Can this be 
sorted out for Woody's release, let the KDE "theme" keep the nice 
background? I can maybe spend some more time after Thursday to 
try and figure out what might cause this or how to fix it, if someone 
can give me a tip where to look? This won't be hardcoded in the actual 
code, would it, it would be in some config file / theme file somewhere?

Hugo van der Merwe

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