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Plans for GNOME 3 and GTK 3


the plans of the GNOME team for GNOME 3 are not entirely complete yet.
However there are a number of transitions coming up that you should be
aware of.

Currently, there is a gobject-introspection transition going on, and the
gtk+2.0 / gdk-pixbuf split. These are both prerequisites for gtk+3.0.

gtk+3.0 in itself does not create any transition. New libraries that are
based on it don’t either, for most of them, since they are
co-installable with their gtk2 versions. The problem arises when these
libraries cannot, for a reason or another, be in unstable at the same
time as the old version.

Because of that, it will not be possible to separate the upload of these
libraries and transitions involving core GNOME components. One of the
problematic libraries is libedataserverui, which will be part of the
evolution transition. This one brings gnome-panel, which in turns breaks
all existing applets in Debian - and that makes a lot of packages out of
the GNOME team control. I will give you a thorough list, with all
affected reverse-dependencies, when everything is in experimental. We
can then think of strategies to break entanglements if possible.

In any case there is no rush, since we don’t know yet whether GNOME 3.0
will be suitable for unstable - I have much better hopes now than a few
weeks ago, though. It will probably need some time to be polished
enough; if it takes too much time it might be better to wait for GNOME

So in short, there is no GNOME transition to schedule for now, but it
would be nice if you could prepare a big slot for several hairy
transitions when we are ready.

: :' :     “You would need to ask a lawyer if you don't know
`. `'       that a handshake of course makes a valid contract.”
  `-        --  J???rg Schilling

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