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Re: Disappointment about the appearance of our CLT booth

On Mon, 23 Mar 2009, Ferdi Thommes wrote:

I do this for 2 reasons:
- sidux is debian
- I am trying to create a better relationship between the 2 projects
(have not made much progress as far as relationship goes)

That's a shame and I would really like to talk about this.  At least next
years CLT should be used for this.  I'd suggest a meeting after official
part has closed to hav enough time for this.

Does anybody have a problem with neighbouring booths or my reasoning?

Nothing against neighbouring booths.  I'm not sure whether I really agree
about "sidux is debian" (IMHO ist is s/ is / uses /) - but perhaps this
should be discussed somewhere else than in this thread.

The debian booth was not very well organised for reasons mentioned above in
this thread. I am sure a project as big as debian can do better.

It can (as proven in other years) and should.

When it comes to CDs (i 'donated' 150 Lenny CDs, debian didnt have any due to
above mentioned organisational problems) as giveaway i think they are a must.

Yes, they are.  Thanks again for the donation.

I agree we do not have to feed the collectors but this specimen is not seen
much on CLT anyways. I was quite disappointed to find about half of the CDs i
provided in a corner after we took down the booth. That was not very

Yes - this really sucks.  I'm very sorry for this.  When I came on Friday
the CDs just were there and I was not aware that there is another set lying
around somewhere else.  That's a shame.

Let me phrase some possible problems that might have been created by sidux.
Someone mentioned that we had more than the 4 booth staff granted by Orga. (I
never understood this as a limit but only as a limit to how many staff will
have all the benefits like no entrance fee, free food...) Yes, all in all we
were 11. sidux e. V. (german equivalent to a foundation) organises these
events and gives members the chance to be part of the project.

I see no problems in having more Sidux people on the booth.  I admit sometimes
it was crowded - but I would not call it "problem that might have been created
by sidux".

I instructed these members to not just hang around at the booth but get the
full experience with attending talks and workshops and look at the other
projects. From my view this worked out. We had a max of 5-6 supporters there
at the same time and those were needed. We had quite a few people bringing in
problematic notebooks and i know at least of 2 that got ~ 4 hours support
each binding 2 supporters already.

That's great!

I know it was quite crowded there, namely on Saturday which was very busy
allover. What are the impressions of the debian staffers regarding the

No problem with this.

As a result i would like to propose for sidux and debian to talk before
conventions (here on the list or on #debian.de) about the projets plans for
their booth to have a better experience for the user. They are who we do it

I'm in favour of this.

Kind regards



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