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Re: [Debian-uk] UKUUG Linux Developer Conference 2002

On Thu, 2002-05-30 at 01:21, Robert McQueen wrote:

> The information for the event is here:
>  http://www.ukuug.org/events/linux2002/
> Besides making sure everyone's aware of this, I'm posting to find out
> who is going to this (besides the obvious Debianites who are doing talks
> there), and if people would like to meet up on some or all of the
> days after the talks are over for food, beverage, keysign, or all of the
> above.

I've signed up for the full deal (NOT including the Thursday tutorials),
including the hotel and the dinner.

Debian has been given a free tabletop space for the selling of things
Debian, or whatever we feel like doing with it (mini-installfest?) so if
people that are turning up could plan to make a little time available
for manning that, we should all get chance to see the talks we want to
see, while also satisfying our public.

Cheers, Phil.
Say no to software patents!  http://petition.eurolinux.org/

|)|  Philip Hands [+44 (0)20 8530 9560]    http://www.hands.com/
|-|  HANDS.COM Ltd.                    http://www.uk.debian.org/
|(|  10 Onslow Gardens, South Woodford, London  E18 1NE  ENGLAND

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