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Impressions from the "Chemnitzer Linux-Tage"

Hi all,

although almost a week has passed by since last weekend, I still want
to share my personal impressions from presenting DebianEdu/Skolelinux
at the "Chemnitzer Linux-Tage" ( http://chemnitzer.linux-tage.de ).

We had a nice booth and many visitors from a broad spectrum: admins,
teachers, students, pupils and parents. Quite some of them left the
booth with a net-install CD and will give DebianEdu/Skolelinux
a try. 

I remember a young guy from the Bavarian city Ansbach who was
interested in promoting DebianEdu/Skolelinux at his city council which
is discussing the migration to GNU/Linux in administration and schools.
(See also:
http://www.lug-an.de/nachrichten/detailansicht/article//linux-user-group-ansbach-begruesst-antrag-auf-einsatz-freier-software.html?tx_ttnews[backPid]=44&cHash=8d8b7973e9 )

So, to keep a long story short: I think if we continue to provide a
superb distribution and testers get a positive user experience, our
work will be more and more used and appreciated.   

Here is a link to the latest activities concerning
DebianEdu/Skolelinux in Germany: http://www.skolelinux.de/news.html
Best regards,


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