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Niced cron jobs

Haven't heard anything about this in a while, so I'm checking up on
how it's going...

To reiterate, the plan is to nice cron jobs, so that when anacron or
similar programs run, they don't slow down the system too awfully
much.  The only negative brought up was that Debian shouldn't be
futzing with the defaults, which doesn't really seem to hold water,
because Debian does this all over the place (ipfwadm rules in the
networking scripts, for instance).

David N. Welton            <   Sors immanis - et inanis - rota tu volubilis,
davidw@prosa.it            >  status malus - vana salus - semper dissolubilis,
http://www.efn.org/~davidw <   obumbrata - et velata - michi quoque niteris;
debian.org + prosa.it      > nunc per ludum - dorsum nudum - fero tui sceleris.

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