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Possible makeinfo that can generate man pages.

This was recently posted to gnu.misc.discuss, hopefully this will be able
to be released. I think this will be a great help in creating up to date
man pages for GNU utilities, and other programs that distribute docs in
info form only.

Subject:      Re: Manual Page Editor
From:         eric@fudge.uchicago.edu (Eric Fischer)
Date:         1998/05/08
Message-ID:   <EsnEyL.Hss@midway.uchicago.edu>
Sender:       news@midway.uchicago.edu (News Administrator)
References:   <35524987.1A78@ansf.alcatel.fr>
X-Newsposter: Pnews 4.0-test51 (15 Jan 97)
X-Nntp-Posting-Host: fudge.uchicago.edu
Organization: The University of Chicago
Newsgroups:   gnu.misc.discuss

<rjk@greenend.org.uk> wrote:

> Ben Bullock <ben@hayamasa.demon.co.uk> writes:
> > If you want to write a manual for a GNU program you should use
> > texinfo though not roff.
> Well, that's the official line.
> Personally I *like* man pages.

I'd rather write man pages than Texinfo files, too, but it is nice to
be able to produce multiple output formats from the same source and
troff doesn't lend itself well to mechanical translation.  I'm mostly
finished with a rewrite of Makeinfo that can produce HTML and troff
-man and -ms files as well as the usual Info files from Texinfo
originals.  I'm trying to work out the copyright issues with my
employer so it can actually be released; stay tuned for updates.


Joel "Espy" Klecker    <mailto:jk@espy.org>    <http://web.espy.org/>
Debian GNU/Linux Developer...................<http://www.debian.org/>

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