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Assistance required for namespace clash

  I'm the maintainer of the procps package. The latest version has a
binary called pgrep (short for process grep).  Unfortunately this name
clashes with a binary in the pgrep (perl compatible grep) package.

Two packages with same binary, a policy violation (i got 3 serious level
bugs about it already).  The pgrep in procps came second.

I can change pgrep to another name.  The problem is that pgrep is a
reasonably standard name for a process grep program (such as in some

I'm not sure what should be done here. Obviously one has to change its
name. I really don't want to harras the pgrep maintainer.  If I do
change it, what do i change it to? procgrep?

  - Craig
Craig Small VK2XLZ  GnuPG:1C1B D893 1418 2AF4 45EE  95CB C76C E5AC 12CA DFA5
Eye-Net Consulting http://www.eye-net.com.au/        <csmall@eye-net.com.au>
MIEEE <csmall@ieee.org>                 Debian developer <csmall@debian.org>

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