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Invitation to the debian.ch AGM 2013-06-02 17:00, Lila Villa, Zürich

[ BCCed to all debian.ch members ]


I finally found the time to finish the agenda for the upcomming
debian.ch general meeting. Luca Capello will run as president again. So
far there is no candidate to replace him on the board. If you would like
to serve on the debian.ch board, please announce your candidacy to the
community mailinglist. According to the bylaws the board members agree
on the allocation of the offices amongst themselves. So you don't have
to take the office of the president automatically.

To faciliate the planning for the social event (either fondue or
something different, to be decided), please mail gaudenz@debian.org
before Friday 31th May if you plan to attend. 

Location: Lila Villa, Limmattalstrasse 214, Zürich [1]
Time:     2013-06-02 17:00 - ca. 19:00 (social event afterwards)



* Greeting

* Ratification of the minutes of the AGM 2012 (attached to this mail)

* Reports from the board:
 - report from the president
 - financial report

* Discharge of the board

* Members:
  - no new members applied since the last AGM so far
* Board election:
  - elections for 2013, Candidates: 
    Gaudenz Steinlin, Philipp Hug

* Bylaws:
  - translation to english (proposal attached to this mail)
  - change of the seat to Bern

* Merchandise
  - Merchandise activities in 2012
  - current stock
  - future handling of merchandise

* Varia


[1] Directions to the AGM location (thanks to Axel for organizing):

The AGM will take place in the gallery of the "Lila Villa", the
"Quartiertreff" building in Zürich-Höngg, Limmattalstrasse 214.


Directions from Zürich HB:

At Zürich HB, take tram no. 13 towards "Frankenthal". There are three
tram stations around the train station where the tram no. 13 stops:
"Sihlquai/HB", "Bahnhofsquai" and "Bahnhofsstrasse/HB". "Sihlquai/HB"
is probably the best as it's the closest to the destination.

Leave the tram at "Zwielplatz", go back a few hundred meters. You'll
see the "Lila Villa" ("Purple Mansion", also labeled "Quartiertreff")
on the same side of the street directly after an underground parking

Directions from Zürich-Altstetten:

Coming from train station "Zürich Altstetten", take the bus no. 80
towards "Oerlikon Nord", leave at "Zwielplatz". Continue in the same
direction, you'll see the "Lila Villa" on the other side of the

Directions for coming by car:

Drive towards Zurich Höngg. There is a public underground parking in
Höngg labeled "Coop [P]" with entrance from Regensdorferstrasse and
exit directly besides the "Lila Villa". You can leave the parking
there, too, for walking to the "Lila Villa".

See http://map.search.ch/zuerich/regensdorferstr.9?poi=parkhaus

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debian.ch General Meeting 2012 - Minutes

Location: Donnerbühlweg 33, 3012 Bern [1]
Time:     23/04/2012 19:15 - ca. 22:30

Attendees: Luca Capello (president), Michele Cane, Philipp Hug,
           Michael Germini, Marc Fournier, Giacomo Catenazzi, Axel
           Beckert, Salvatore Bonacorso, Marcus Möller, Guido Trotter
           (guest), Iustin Pop, Didier Raboud, Gaudenz Steinlin
           (minutes), Daniel Pocock

* Greeting

Luca greets everyone.

* Ratification of the minutes of the AGM 2011 [3]

4 yes, 0 no, rest abstains because they were not there

* Reports from the board: 

 - report from the president Not so much activity this year. We sold 
   quite a lot of merchandise at FOSDEM, DebConf, Open Source Now and 
   other events. 
   In the second half of the year starting from DebConf there were several
   meetings for the DebConf 13 in Switzerland bid. The bid was accepted 
   last Monday. Luca gave two talks at "Open Source Now" about Debian and 

 - financial report
   Philipp Hug presents the financial report. We "won" about 2514.94. 

   merchandise stock:
   + quite a lot of umbrellas (~200)
   + debian.ch T-shirts (classic) (~70)
   + mostly big and small size anarchism T-shirts (~20)
   + some debian Brazil T-shorts (~30)
   + debian swiss army knives (~45)
   [[ luca produces a list with exact numbers ]]

   The report is unanimously agreed upon.

* Discharge of the board
    2 abstain, 7 yes

* Members:
  - new members in 2011: Salvatore Bonaccorso and Philipp Hug, as 
    both are DDs no voting is required.
  - proposed new member: Michele Cane, Marcus Möller, Michael Germini, 
                         Guido Trotter, George Danchev, Daniel Pacock
    They were all accepted by acclamation.

* Board:
  - elections for 2012, Candidates: Luca Capello (president), 
    Gaudenz Steinlin (secretary), Philipp Hug (trasurer).
    Voted by acclamation. (The 3 candidates abstain).

* Bylaws:

  - There was quite some discussion wether the bylaws should be
    translated to english or not and if the english version should be
    the only one, a legally binding translation or just an informal
    translation. At the end a vote about the following resolutions was

    * Translation to english should be done 
      => 12 yes, 0 no, 2 abstain
    * Should we spend money for the translation: 
      => 5 yes, 6 no, 3 abstain  
    * Should we spend money on the translation if it could become
      legally binding:
      => 10 yes, 3 no, 1 abstain
    * Budget of CHF 250.- for the translation:
      => 9 yes, 4 no, 1 abstain
    ==>> The final resolution is that we would like to have an english
         translation, but that money should only be spent if it's
         possible to have them legally binding. In this case a budget
         of CHF 250.- was approved.

  - Marcus Möller will investigate if we can have english bylaws.

* Merchandise:
    Luca is looking for someone to help doing all the merchandise
    stuff. We are not really earning much on the merchandise.
    New planned productions in 2012:
      - New batch of stickers (luca)
      - New batch of fusion t-shirts (luca)

* Misc:
  - Move of debian.ch services to debian.org infrastructure
    Philipp manges this project he has the authority to decide how to
    do it. The move away from Diana's server should be completed
    within 3 months. What we would like to have:
     - Keep debian.ch
     - Private mailinglists and git repositories

  - Debconf13.ch status
    The debian.ch proposal got accepted on Monday. Hurrah!

  - Proposals for activities:
       + mini debconf together with GULL (Michael)
       + BSP (Luca)

The secretary:

Gaudenz Steinlin
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Bylaws of the Association debian.ch

Translated by Google Translate/Daniel Pocock 9-10 July 2012

based on German language version of 31 January 2011


debian.ch is an association under article 60 of the Swiss Civil Code, based in


1. debian.ch is the official representative of the Debian project in
   Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

2. The Society holds assets on behalf of the Debian project in
   Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

3. It supports the Debian project and its activities using the
   Association's assets.


The association is financed by donations and other voluntary
contributions. There is no membership fee.


1. Persons or companies may request to become a sponsor/patron by making
   a donation of at least CHF 100. Their status as a benefactor of
   debian.ch may be noted on the web page.

2. They may in return advertise their status as a patron or sponsor of 
   debian.ch in any of their publications.

3. The debian.ch patronage is valid for one year


1. Members of the Debian project with permanent residence or citizenship
   in Switzerland or the Principality of Liechtenstein may choose to assert 
   membership of the association and their membership is automatically accepted.

2. Any member may propose another person for admission as a member. The
   General Assembly will decide on their inclusion. The proposed member
   must be present at the meeting unless it is impractical for them to attend.

3. A member can leave the assocation debian.ch at his own request at any

4. The Assembly may choose to exclude a member without cause. A majority
   of 2/3 of members present must vote in favour of such a motion for it to
   be carried.


1. The Executive Committee (Board) must call a General Meeting
   at least once per year. All members must be given at least two weeks
   notice by email.

2. The invitation period may be less if all members agree.

3. If a General Meeting resolves to amend the bylaws of the assocation,
   the revised bylaws do not take effect until the close of the meeting.


1. The board consists of president, secretary and Treasurer. It is
   permitted for one person to hold more than one office, but essential
   that the Office of the President and Treasurer be occupied by two
   different people.

2. The Board may undertake business on behalf of the association as
   permitted by law.

3. In addition to the office holders, the board may contain non-executive
   officers who each have an equal vote in decisions of the board but hold
   no formal title or office.

4. The AGM elects the members of the board for a term of one year.

5. The Board members agree the allocation of the offices amongst themselves.


The Debian Project Leader may direct the way in which all the assets held by
the association are used.


A digital signature may be made in place of a hand written signature,
provided the key used is compliant with the requirements for a Debian
Developer key.


The accounting year is the calendar year.


1. A decision to dissolve the association requires a two thirds majority
   of the annual meeting. It must be attended by at least 50 members or, if
   the club has fewer than 66 Members, three-quarters of all members must
   be present.

2. Upon dissolution, all assets must be transferred to Software in the
   Public Interest, Inc., Indianapolis, USA.

The secretary
Adrian von Bidder

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