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Debian GIS Policy

As previously mentioned in other threads, I've been working on a policy
for Debian GIS. It's based on the Debian Med policy which in turn is
based on the pkg-perl policy. I've also adapted the pkg-perl website for
pkg-grass to host the policy on the group webspace on Alioth.

I've just pushed my changes to the new website git repo, of which you
may have seen the SCM emails. If not you can find them on Alioth:


The webspace on Alioth currently redirects to the DebianGis page on
wiki.debian.org, but I'd like to use this minimal website instead. For
the time being you can view the website on my server at:


Please share any suggestions on how to improve the policy and website.
Or just commit (non-invasive) changes yourself directly.

Kind Regards,


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