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Bug#718416: general: tty1 is cleared at boot, obscuring a screenfull of important boot messages

On 07/31/2013 08:24 PM, Michael Biebl wrote:
> Am 31.07.2013 14:11, schrieb Thorsten Glaser:
>> Package: general
>> Severity: normal
>> Ever since, I think, wheezy, tty1 is cleared at boot like tty2-6 are.
>> This is bad because it obscures the last screenfull of bootmessages,
>> at least 25 lines, but with framebugger console, a lot(!) more, which
>> is very bad.
>> I’ve got no idea which package is responsible for this change, hence
>> filing against general. Please help by reassigning to the correct
>> package and Cc’ing its maintainers (see #704984 for why this needs
>> to be done manually currently).
> Use the getty --noclear parameter if you want to keep the messages.

If this wasn't clear enough:

sed -i 's|1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty|1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty
--noclear|' /etc/inittab

My understanding is that the latest version of getty changed its default
behavior. I do agree that sysv* should have cope with the change though,
and that a new (default) version of /etc/inittab should have been made,
but at the same time this is annoying during upgrades if you changed
anything in that file. So I understand that nothing has been done to
address it. Probably best way would have been to patch getty to keep the
old behavior, though now it's too late, and some may complain that in
Jessie, we changed the behavior of Wheezy...

So, let's close the issue, ok?


P.S: It's a little bit too late to complain about this, IMO.

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