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Re: GnuCash won't open after transferring data files from one box to another (2)

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Geert Janssens wrote:

> Something in your datafile is clearly upsetting gnucash. Can you open any 
> other gnucash file ?

I don't have any other GnuCash data file.

> Also, you could try and open the backup files (the ones named 
> /home/ken/accounts/ken09/ken09.gnc.<sometimestamp>.xac) from most recent to 
> less recent and see where the problem starts.

I tried what you suggested.  The only difference between using the main
data file (ken09.gnc) and the .xac files it that the former crashes and
returns a segmentation fault as soon as it opens.  The .xac files do not
crash and report a segmentation fault until I try to open an account.

However, I did post to the Debian user list about the possibility of a
Debian Lenny upgrade breaking GnuCash 2.2.6-2, and received confirmation
that such was indeed the case.  I was given instructions how to compile
GnuCash 2.2.9 as a Debian package which deals with the package
incompatibility I raised in my third post to this thread. I will do the
compilation later today or tomorrow and report the results.

Thanks for you help so far.

Regards, Ken Heard
Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


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