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Re: Teams in changelog trailers


On Sat, Feb 18, 2012 at 03:08:50PM +0100, Jakub Wilk wrote:
> Now that we have a concept of a “team upload”[0], I'd like to have
> putting team's name in the changelog trailer officially deprecated.
> This would:
> 1) allow to always identify person responsible for a particular upload;

To be very pedantic, the signature on the last upload should reveal
this, right?

> 2) help to avoid situations where (inadvertently) no human name is
> mentioned in a changelog entry at all.
> What do others think?

One problem arises if the last person who "made" the upload (in case
it was sponsored) does not put his/her name. I just wish to know what
other situations where having just team uploads makes life harder.


Footnotes are for things you believe don't really belong in LDP manuals,
but want to include anyway.
		-- Joel N. Weber II discussing the 'make' chapter of LPG

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