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Updating the NBD assignment at IANA

Hi all,

Way back in 2010, I requested a port number with IANA for NBD. They
assigned port 10809 to it[1]. The procedure to request a port number, at
the time, also included the requirement to provide a "description", for
which I gave "Linux Network Block Device", and contact information of an
"Assignee" and "Contact"; for both of these I passed myself.

Things have moved on since then, however, and I don't think all of that
is appropriate anymore. So I would like to contact IANA to ask them to
update the assignment:

- For the "Assignee", I would like to ask them to mention this
  mailinglist. I am not sure whether IANA allows mailinglists with
  public archives to be used in this manner; but according to RFC6335,
  "The Assignee is the organization, company or individual person
  responsible for the initial assignment," which to me means that the
  mailinglist is most appropriate.
- I'll leave the contact as is for now. RFC6335 mentions "The Contact
  person is the responsible person for the Internet community to send
  questions to.  This person is also authorized to submit changes on
  behalf of the Assignee; in cases of conflict between the Assignee and
  the Contact, the Assignee decisions take precedence," which to me
  reads like a person is required (and I'm happy to continue filling
  this role).
- For the description, I would like to drop the "Linux" part in the
  description. There are implementations of NBD that are wholly
  unrelated to Linux, and so I don't think it's entirely accurate
  anymore to refer to NBD as a "Linux" protocol.
- At the time, there was no public reference for the NBD protocol yet; I
  plan to add the link to proto.md on github as the official reference.


[1] https://www.iana.org/assignments/service-names-port-numbers/service-names-port-numbers.xhtml?search=nbd


I will have a Tin-Actinium-Potassium mixture, thanks.

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