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Re: Some updates to the sysvinit/initactions spec

Previously tytso@MIT.EDU wrote:
> If no one comments, I'll choose /lib/lsb/init-functions.  That seems to
> make the most amount of sense.
>       2. killproc basename [signal] and pidofproc basename:
> 	 Can we replace basename with "path" ? If we have the full path
> 	 to a program it is much easier and safer to identify the right
> 	 process.
>    This seems reasonable to me, although it's a change from what the
>    SysVinit package does.  Comments?

It's not only reasonable, it's essential imho. Killing a users process
by accident just because his process has the same name is a Bad Thing.

Also, Debian has been doing that forever using start-stop-daemon so
we know it is possible and works.


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