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Re: Desktop normalization

Jean-Eric Cuendet wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm asking me a question. There is now 2 big desktops for Linux: KDE and
> Gnome.
> Couldn't we add an API to access either Gnome or KDE desktop for the
> applications to interact with them.
> So, a Word processor could access Gnome if it's running Gnome or KDE if
> it's running KDE or other or nothing if no one is installed. The program
> itself should not know on which desktop it is running.

I hope anything that lsb does even mildly related to a desktop is
minimal.  I think the whole KDE vs Gnome thing is total bullsh__.  As I
see it, Enlightenment and GNUStep (Windowmaker/Afterstep) are at least
_AS_ popular (me personally perfering a total "Stepified" desktop,
running Windowmaker, patching GTKstep into GTK, etc...) and believeing X
has to fix itself (somewhat in agreement with Jim Gettys (
http://editorials.freshmeat.net/jim981031/ ).

Of course this is all just my opinion, and not a very important one

I think the LSB should be conserned underlying structure (file
structure, sysV vs bsd, basic libraries maybe, default applications like
ls, cd, rm, mv, cat, etc...), on which larger software componants (like
a windowmanager) can work out thier compatibility problems themselfs.

An API to access either Gnome or KDE desktop strikes me as beyond the
scope of the LSB.
"Robert W. Current" <rob@current.nu> - email
http://www.current.nu                - personal web site
"Hey mister, turn it on, turn it up, and turn me loose." - Dwight Yoakam

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