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Re: [gopher] New list members not approved

Hi all:

Just testing if I can post to the list, after reading your comments and the issue on this thread.

Quite bizarre issue, in fact.

Forgt this email. Just a ping test.


Delfi Ramirez -- At Work
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On 2017-05-30 09:35, Matt Owen (Jaruzel) wrote:

In article <[🔎] 201705291840.v4TIeLso4522144@floodgap.com">[🔎] 201705291840.v4TIeLso4522144@floodgap.com>, spectre-
nb4sah8SP49Wk0Htik3J/w@public.gmane.org says...
there  have  been complaints on #gopherproject on freenode IRC, that new
members to the list are not approved. At least two people who would want
to participate seem to have not received any confirmation to be accepted
to the list.

Can anyone look into this?

I think that's jgoerzen's department. Haven't seen him around much these
I'm also in a weird limbo situation, where I receive the list posts into my
email inbox, but I can't post to the list from my email address.

So I read the list via my email, and post to the list via NNTP (using an
ancient copy of WinVN) - Rather annoying... :'(

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