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Re: [gopher] [gopher 2.0]

Dead in america & russia maybe, for the six million other ppl on earth, it still my have relevancy. just like gopher & fido do.Where I live 1 hr from my capital city in a  first world country ,Australia, we are rolling out fibre to every home....
Yet for just one example, the huge horticultural industry here in the tropics runs on fax!, people look at me strange when i tell them i cant receive  text msgs because i have  voip phone sitting on a  data sim in my phone, & when I tell them send me  email instead, people(not  all) my age & under stare straight thru me in horror thinking about jumping on their desktop machines looking up hotmail on the 'Netscape' to send me  email to their phone.
I move into  a house in town for 100gb dsl the cheapest i can get is $90/month with $60 connection. & I live in the central town of the 3rd biggest population centre of my state which is 2000+km long........
Reality is fellas that america is currently blessed by God & it shows. 10usd for unlimited fiberoptic?
Most people in 3rd & 2d world stilll use sms.Or in the case of North korean doctors treating aids patients , FIDO.
that is.. internetworked dialup BBS.
the innovation imo has stopped from the first world.the task, fellas seems to have fallen to our hands.
Onya Kevin, great job mate.

From: Gopher-Project <gopher-project-bounces+barana24=hotmail.com@lists.alioth.debian.org> on behalf of Martin Ebnoether <ventilator@semmel.ch>
Sent: Sunday, 24 January 2016 6:37 AM
To: Gopher Project Discussion
Subject: Re: [gopher] Gopher 2.0?

On the Sat, Jan 23, 2016 at 07:46:54PM +0100, NN NN blubbered:


> > By that measure, *anything* involving Gopher is 'rather useless'.
> Maybe. But I would like to say that an unlimited internet
> connection is far cheaper.  SMS messages are very expensive.
> As communication type they are dead at least 5 years.

I don't know about you, but I have unlimited SMS/MMS. Along with
unlimited calls and Internet, that is.

CU, Venty

„Wollen Sie mir gütigst sagen,“ fragte Alice etwas furchtsam,
denn sie wusste nicht recht, ob es sich für sie schicke zuerst
zu sprechen, „warum Ihre Katze so grinst?“
„Es ist eine Grinse-Katze,“ sagte die Herzogin, „darum!“  ��

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